Fact Sheets and Guidelines
IOPTP Member organizations' materials:
Documents for Sharing
At the IOPTP round table sessions held at the 2011 WCPT congress, attendees requested that the IOPTP provide information about guidelines ( practice and administrative) and fact sheets for health care professionals and consumers. The need for these materials arises as many physical therapists in paediatrics do not have the resources available to develop guidelines or fact sheets, but could benefit from materials developed by others. Acting upon these requests, the IOPTP member organisations were asked to submit information about materials that were available in their countries and to share this information with the IOPTP.
Many of the member organizations of the IOPTP have kindly agreed that the IOPTP can make their materials accessible here - either as examples of good practice, which paediatric physical therapy organisations might like to use as a basis for designing and writing their own material, or as material that can be freely shared, reproduced and copied ( within the terms specified by the member organization).
The guidelines and fact sheers are organized by topic areas and information is provided about how to obtain specific materials . Links to websites are embedded within the table and costs ( if applicable) are identified. As with most published materials, the following conditions apply:
- They can be copied and distributed without referring back to the member organization that produced them ONLY if they remain completely unaltered.
- If you wish to adapt the material in any way - whether by transferring or adapting the text , or inserting your own logo, or extracting the photographs - you MUST consult with the relevant member organization to obtain their permission.
The IOPTP has served as a conduit for gathering the materials identified in the following table. The publication of the information does not imply endorsement of any of the specific documents by the IOPTP.
The content contained within this site is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute either professional advice or an offer. The IOPTP assumes no responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred as a result of any use or reliance upon the information and material contained within or downloaded from its website.

Physiotherapy ( PT)Services in the Schools
Physiotherapy ( PT) For Infants Born Preterm
Statement on ECAs and RCAs in Entry Level Professional Physical Therapy Education
2018 Clinical Practice Guideline on Congenital Muscular Torticollis from Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy ( APTA )