Shared Clinical Resources
Guidelines, fact sheets and links from our member countries that may be of interest to paediatric physiotherapists

Telehealth Resources
The following resources have been complied by the IOPTP in response to the growing need to utilise telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) has produced a document on telehealth and digital service delivery. Evidence, regulation issues, and recommendations provided at :http://www.inptra.org/portals/0/pdfs/ReportOfTheWCPTINPTRA_DigitalPhysicalTherapyPractice_TaskForce.pdf
WCPT: In light of the fast-evolving global situation, has collated information and resources about COVID-19 for physiotherapists around the world: https://www.wcpt.org/news/Novel-Coronavirus-2019-nCoV
The American Physical Therapy Association has put online different resources and recommendations at :https://www.apta.org/telehealth/
The Australian Physiotherapy Association has resources on advocacy, infection prevention and control, telehealth and business continuity at : https://australian.physio/covid19
The Canadian Physiotherapy Association has COVID19 resources for advocacy, telehealth, and webinar series at : http://ow.ly/kHA150z3mxp
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has a resource centre with advice for practice, education, workplace, private practice, digital health and mental health and wellbeing at : http://ow.ly/er4N50z3mnJ
The German Association for Physiotherapy for #COVID19 provides current information for physiotherapy practices around coronavirus, with advice for members on infection, prevention, working conditions and financial support. https://www.physio-deutschland.de/fachkreise/coronavirus.html
The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists has a website for #COVID19 resources for practice, infection prevention, telehealth and national direction. https://www.iscp.ie/covid-19
The Italian Association of Physiotherapists and the Italian Association of Respiratory Physiotherapists ( ARIR) have developed information about #COVID19 for physiotherapists and patients. It is available in Italian and English. Italian http://ow.ly/8hSf50z7kAV English http://ow.ly/707p50z7kUn
Physiotherapy New Zealand has #COVID19 guidance for members and advice on telehealth on their website: http://ow.ly/gHhG50z3alY
The Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists has a #COVID19 resource area for physiotherapists and patients which includes links to national advice at : http://www.apfisio.pt/covid-19-recursos/
The Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) in Newborn Medicine at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, together with the University of Melbourne, began developing resources in Marhc 2020 to meet the needs of paediatric health professionals and families amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth guides were developed to provide families with instructions on connecting to clinicans via telehealth. To access a copy of the Telehealth guides, including an Arabic translation, please follow the link below: https://www.crenewbornmedicine.org.au/for-families/resources-for-download/

Shared Clinical and Practical Guidelines
IOPTP member organisations' shared clinical & practice guidelines materials: Considerations for use
The shared clinical and practice guideline and fact sheet resource list was compiled by the IOPTP Practice Committee to meet a need for many paediatric physiotherapists who do not have easy access to such materials.
This resource list was made possible thanks to the generosity of many IOPTP members who kindly agreed to share their materials. These resources can be used; 1) as good practice examples, which paediatric physiotherapy organisations can use as a foundation for designing their own resources; or 2) as material that can be freely shared, reproduced and copied (as per the terms specified within the document).
The resources are organised by topic areas. Links to websites are embedded within the table and costs (if applicable) are identified.
Please consider the following conditions when using them:
Resources can be copied and distributed without referring back to the member organisation that produced them ONLY if they remain completely unaltered.
If you wish to adapt the material in any way (e.g., adapting the text, inserting your logo, or extracting the photographs), permission MUST be obtained by the relevant member organisation.
Review will occur regularly as new materials are identified and shared by our member organisations.
The publication does not imply the endorsement any the resources contained in this list by the IOPTP.
The resource list is provided for general information only and does not constitute either professional advice or an offer.
The IOPTP assumes no responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred as a result of any use or reliance upon the information and material contained within or downloaded from its website.